Life Skills at Workplace

In the dynamic landscape of corporate culture, possessing strong critical thinking skills, adept listening abilities, and the capacity to overcome stress are indispensable traits for those aspiring to be valuable assets to their companies.

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  • {{ $page->student_count }}+ Learners
  • English
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Life Skills at Workplace

  1. 25,000
    • 1000+ learners
    • 1000+ learners
    • 1000+ learners
    • 1000+ learners
    {{ $page->student_count }}+ Learners
  • 2 Hours of Learning
  • Lifetime Access of the course
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 100% Online and Remote Learning
  • Self-Paced Learning
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Learning Objectives

  • Critical thinking allows individuals to analyze information, solve problems, and make informed decisions, fostering innovation and efficiency.
  • The ability to manage and overcome stress is crucial for maintaining focus and productivity in high-pressure environments.
  • Active listening skills enable effective communication, facilitating collaboration and understanding within diverse teams.
  • These attributes not only enhance one's professional competence but also align seamlessly with the demands of a thriving corporate culture, making a compelling case for becoming an indispensable contributor to the company's success.

What are life skills?

As per UNICEF, “Life skills are defined as “a group of psychosocial competencies and interpersonal skills that help people make informed decisions, solve problems, think critically and creatively, communicate effectively, build healthy relationships, empathize with others, and cope with and manage their lives in a healthy and productive manner.”

Let’s make it simple. Like we train our body in a gym to be fit or we train to learn a new language or skills for a job interview, we can also develop skills to deal with and win through the challenges of life. Decision Making, Problem Solving, Managing Work and Personal Life Stress, Keeping a Check of your Anger. These are skills that you need to have in your toolbox to lead a peaceful life.

Life Skills by DataTrained

We wish to take you a step ahead. We have designed our programs for your personal and professional development and have collaborated with leaders and coaches to help you take charge of your life.

We have personalized your Growth into 3 Vital Development Strands

Emotional Development

Emotional Development helps you achieve internal, interpersonal, and professional development. With our proven ways to effectively handle, manage, and cope with your emotions, learn to win through all the challenges of life.

Cognitive Development

Being a critical thinker will give you the power of recognising and solving problems and gathering creative and effective solutions in the most efficient way possible.

Learn to innovate your thinking capabilities with “Cognitive Development” with our experts.

Behavioral Development

Do you know that your behaviour impacts the way you build and strengthen relationships? Dedicating time and energy to building positive and impactful relationships is an integral part of success. With us, learn to acknowledge and appreciate yourself and others.


Norah O'Donnell

American journalist

One of the most common mistakes for an entry-level job interview is to take the position: 'What is this job going to do for me?' You should be saying 'Here's what I can do and here's what I want to do to help you.

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Power of Critical Thinking

Using the critical thinking process, you can improve your problem-solving abilities and improve business outcomes.


Power of Critical Thinking

  1. 25,000
    • 1000+ learners
    • 1000+ learners
    • 1000+ learners
    • 1000+ learners
    {{ $page->student_count }}+ Learners
  • 2 Hours of Learning
  • Lifetime Access of the course
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 100% Online and Remote Learning
  • Self-Paced Learning

Learning Objectives

  • Investigate the concept of critical thinking, its importance, and how it functions.
  • To develop effective critical thinking, learn what goes into critical thinking.
  • Determine what is impeding critical thinking and how to overcome these obstacles.
  • Apply critical thinking's components and processes to master critical thinking.
  • Make a critical thinking action plan for yourself.

Skills You Will Acquire:

  • Strategic Thinking
  • Creative Thinking
  • Decision Making
  • Problem Solving

This course delves into the concept of critical thinking, its benefits, and the difficulties that come with being a good critical thinker. I'll take you through today's successful leaders' critical thinking process and share my own experiences. This course will teach you how to:

  • Investigate the concept of critical thinking, its importance, and how it functions.
  • To develop effective critical thinking, learn what goes into critical thinking.
  • Determine what is impeding critical thinking and how to overcome these obstacles.
  • Understanding the components and processes of critical thinking will help you master it.
  • Make a critical thinking action plan for yourself.

WIth this course, we are aiming towards the enhancement of your career in a way that you can transform into an influential leader who can manage others with wisdom and motivation.

This course is divided into different parts, in which there are aspects such as delegation of tasks and responsibility and authority with the use of motivation and courage. You will learn different factors in which you can influence others.

What Will You Learn
  • What is Critical Thinking
  • Concept and Definition
  • Important Critical Thinking Skills and Ways to Improve
  • Critical Thinking Skills and Ways to Improve
  • The Role Of Arguments in Critical Thinking
  • Benefits of Critical Thinking
  • Benefit of Both Ways
  • How Are Our Thoughts Influenced ?
  • Barriers to Critical Thinking
  • Exercising your Brain and diet trackers
How Will You Learn
  • Assorted Content Formats: Textual and Visual
  • Psychometric and Personalized Assessments
  • Anecdotes from Experts from the Domain
  • Quantitative Self-Reflections Exercises
  • Real-time Case Studies
  • Globally Recognized Strategies & Models
{{-- Cousre 2 --}}

Winning Over Stress

Take back control of your time, to-do list, and overwhelm. Learn how to get everything done while staying stress-free.

Skills You Will Acquire:

  • Ways to Reduce Stress
  • Strategies for Stress Management
  • Rid of negative self- Talk
  • Leadership

This course is for you if you experience stress in your life, regardless of the cause or level. Chronic stress not only hampers our brain functions while we are stressed, but it also causes long-term brain damage by killing brain cells in our hippocampus. This indicates that the damage will persist even if we are no longer anxious. Fortunately, as we will discover in this course, there is a lot we can do. We'll start by looking at stress. what it is, where it comes from, what it does, the various sorts of stress, and so on.


The Winning Over Stress course is tailored to teach individuals and working professionals how to manage their stress in both their personal and professional lives. Stress is an unavoidable aspect of life, and everyone reacts to it differently. As a result, there is no "one size fits all" strategy to stress management.

Stress management approaches can educate people in healthy ways to cope with stress, lessen its negative consequences, and keep stress from getting out of control in the future. The purpose of stress management isn't to get rid of all of your stress. It will teach you how to detect stressors and how to properly handle them. Students will be able to create their own customized lifestyle management plan. This course will teach students how to reduce the negative impacts of stress while retaining the quality and vitality of their lives.

What Will You Learn
  • Knowing stress
  • Sources of Stress
  • Back in Time
  • Managing Stress
  • Dealing with Roadblocks
  • Calming Your Mind
  • Turning Off Your Mind
  • Over Thinking
  • Organizational Stress
  • Stress Effective Behavior
How Will You Learn
  • Assorted Content Formats: Textual and Visual
  • Psychometric and Personalized Assessments
  • Anecdotes from Experts from the Domain
  • Quantitative Self-Reflections Exercises
  • Real-time Case Studies
  • Globally Recognized Strategies & Models
{{-- Course 3 --}}

Be a Better Listener

As a great listener, you can improve your reactive habits, define your listening mindset, amplify your curiosity, and add value. Learn all these aspects through this course with ease.

Skills You Will Acquire:

  • Goal setting
  • Communication
  • Negotiation
  • Active Listening

Most of us wish to improve our communication skills. Active Listening, on the other hand, is the REAL power tool for influencing others, leading, collaborating, making an influence, and becoming a better person in general. Active Listening is active, creative, and responsive, whereas normal listening can appear to be blank and silent. You will learn both internal awareness and outward skill-sets in this training, which are the foundations of Active Listening. You'll be able to have a lot more enjoyable, fascinating, and successful conversations.


Just like public speaking is a skill that can be improved through practice, skilled listeners aren't endowed with some mystical ability—careful listening is a skill that can be learned. This course covers the fundamentals of good listening skills, including what they are, why they are important, and how to improve them. The training will help determine your listening style.

You will gain a better grasp of the value and power of listening after taking this be a better listener course. More importantly, you'll learn how to listen deeply and, as a result, develop much stronger relationships and become far more effective at influencing and encouraging people to achieve success

What Will You Learn
  • Listening and Journey of Susan Wojcicki
  • The importance of listening
  • Stages of Listening Process
  • The benefits of Listening in the Workplace
  • Difference between ‘Listening’ and ‘Hearing’
  • Active Listening
  • 13 steps of Listening Actively
  • 5 Types of Listening Skills
  • Barrier to Listening
  • Embrace a listening Mindset
  • What are the signs you are not listening
  • How to set the stage for high- stakes conversation
  • How to listen for what is unsaid
  • Keeping Yourself Away From Interruptions
  • Disadvantages Of Practicing
How Will You Learn
  • Assorted Content Formats: Textual and Visual
  • Psychometric and Personalized Assessments
  • Anecdotes from Experts from the Domain
  • Quantitative Self-Reflections Exercises
  • Real-time Case Studies
  • Globally Recognized Strategies & Models
  • Valuable Customized Action Plan