@php //$course = DB::table("courses")->where("url", $page->) $this_course = DB::table("courses")->where("id", $page->course_id)->first(); $course_name = "PG Program In Investment Banking And Financial Modeling"; $overview_heading ="PG Program In Investment Banking And Financial Modeling"; $overview = "

One of the best online Investment Banking programs in India with global recognition. Get trained with highly in-demand tools, techniques & technologies for Investment Banking.

"; $course_article = null; $why_heading = "Why DataTrained For Investment Banking In India?"; $why_content = "The course duration is 6 months including a well-balanced curve of practical and theoretical learning's covering everything from the basics to the advanced levels of the Investment Banking program in India and across the globe."; $end_content = null; @endphp @include ("webviews.course_templates.investment-banking-program")