Choose a Session

A Program to give you a push towards your desired career, MentorGiri is your pit-stop for all the professional or personal guidance that you are seeking. A platform that will help you to open the right career door for you. MentorGiri will give you the opportunity to be counselled by the Masters of your Industry to eliminating all the hurdles on the path of your victory.

@php $types = DB::table('mentorgiri_session_types')->where('active', 1)->orderBy('id', 'asc')->get(); @endphp @foreach($types as $r)
{{ $r->title }}

{{ $r->title }}

{{ $r->duration }} mins

{{ $r->description }}

Book Now

Meet our Top Experts

{{-- --}}
@php $mentors = DB::table('mentorgiri_mentors')->where('active', 1)->orderBy('id','asc')->get(); @endphp @foreach($mentors as $r)
@if($r->image) {{ $r->name }} - Mentor Giri, Datatrained @else {{ $r->name }} - Mentor Giri, Datatrained @endif {{-- --}}
{{ $r->name }}

{{ $r->designation }}

  • @endif @if($r->twitter)
  • @endif
{{ $r->rating }}
Asma Desai

Trini-PI Technology Solutions

Mentorship Call taken
Asma Desai

Trini-PI Technology Solutions

Mentorship Call taken
Asma Desai

Trini-PI Technology Solutions

Mentorship Call taken
Asma Desai

Trini-PI Technology Solutions

Mentorship Call taken
Asma Desai

Trini-PI Technology Solutions

Mentorship Call taken

Easy Booking Process

Choose your preferred Service & Expert
Book timeslots at your own convenience
Choose how you want to make the payment
Get follow-up Action items & Summary
For Queries, Feedback & Assistance

Datatrained Mentorship Support

Monday to Friday (10am-7:30pm)
Weekend requests will be answered on Monday @if($cuinfo->countryCode == "IN") +91 95600 84091 @else +44-744 142 7157 @endif
@section('scripts') @endsection