DT TALKS Presents

India's largest Employment Talks with industry leaders for the "New Normal".

Participate in realtime survey on
How COVID-19 pandemic has affected employment in India

What is the impact of Covid-19 on your employment?

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I have got


Your response has been successfully submitted.
Thank You
@php $jratio = 50; if(DB::table('webinar1-survey')->where('option_selected', 'jobless')->count() > 0) { $jratio = round((DB::table('webinar1-survey')->where('option_selected', 'jobless')->count()/DB::table('webinar1-survey')->count())*100); } else if(DB::table('webinar1-survey')->count() > 0) { $jratio = 0; } $pratio = 50; if(DB::table('webinar1-survey')->where('option_selected', 'pay-cut')->count() > 0) { $pratio = round((DB::table('webinar1-survey')->where('option_selected', 'pay-cut')->count()/DB::table('webinar1-survey')->count())*100); } else if(DB::table('webinar1-survey')->count() > 0) { $pratio = 0; } @endphp

Get a chance to particaipate in India's largest employment talks with industry leaders.


Weekly Webinar




Industry Verticals


Diverse Industry Gurus



Key Highlights

  • Interaction with diverse industry professionals across 200+ verticals.
  • Lifetime opportunity to interact with 10,000+ industry professionals across manufacturing, IT, analysis, banking anf finance, e-commerce, retail, etc.
  • Opportunity to develop a 360° perspective on real-time employment issues during the new normal
  • Rock hard your career against world wide economic depression

Guest Speakers

@php $speakers = DB::table('dttalks_speakers')->get(); @endphp @foreach($speakers as $r)

{{ $r->name }}

{{ $r->profile }}

Book Your Seat Now

Upcoming Webinars

@php $talks = DB::table('dttalks')->where('date', '>', date('Y-m-d'))->where('status',1)->orderBy('date', 'asc')->get(); @endphp @if($talks->count() > 0) @foreach($talks as $r)
details) onmouseover="showOver({{ $r->id }})" onmouseout="hideOver({{ $r->id }})" style="cursor: pointer;" @endif> @if(!$r->banner) @if($r->speaker_image)
{{ $r->speaker }}
@endif @if($r->speaker_info)
{{ $r->speaker_info }}
{{ $r->title }}
Panel Discussion:
{{ $r->discussion }}
@if($r->date) {{ $r->date }}, @endif {{ $r->time }}
@else link) href="{{ url($r->link) }}" @if($r->link != "#") target="_blank" @endif @else href="#" @endif> {{ $r->title }} @endif @if($r->details)
View More
@endforeach @else

No upcoming webinars.


Past Webinars

@php $talks = DB::table('dttalks')->where('date', '<', date('Y-m-d'))->orderBy('date', 'desc')->get(); @endphp @if($talks->count() > 0) @foreach($talks as $r)
details) onmouseover="showOver({{ $r->id }})" onmouseout="hideOver({{ $r->id }})" style="cursor: pointer;" @endif> @if(!$r->banner) @else link != "#") target="_blank" @endif> {{ $r->title }} @endif
@endforeach @else

No webinars streamed yet.

@section('scripts') @endsection