
Join DataTrained – @if($cuinfo->countryCode == "IN") @endif Certified curriculum and learn every skill from the industry’s best thought leaders.

Dr. Deepika Sharma - Training Head, DataTrained

Dr. Deepika Sharma

Training Head, DataTrained

Dr. Deepika Sharma has been associated with academics /corporate education for more than 14 years. She has a deep passion in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Machine Learning.

Shankargouda Tegginmani - Data Scientist, Accenture

Shankargouda Tegginmani

Data Scientist, Accenture

Shankar is a data Scientist with 14 Years of Experience. His current employment is with Accenture and has experience in telecom, healthcare, finance and banking products.

Andrew Labeodan - Data Scientist, Centrica

Andrew Labeodan

Data Scientist, Centrica

Andrew is a data Scientist with 14 years of experience. His expertise spans healthcare and Energy Utilities, and he's renowned for successfully implementing data analytics in oncology.

Adedolapo Ogunlade - Data Scientist at Kaggle

Adedolapo Ogunlade

Data Scientist at Kaggle

Adedolapo is a seasoned Data Scientist at Kaggle, specializing in Machine Learning, Statistical Analysis, Data Visualization, and Data Science.

Gifty Aiyegbeni - Data Scientist at Bincom Global

Gifty Aiyegbeni

Data Scientist at Bincom Global

Gifty is a dedicated data scientist and analyst passionate, currently working in Bincom Global. She is experienced in python programming, R programming, and SQL queries while offering knowledge in statistical analysis.

Ioannis Petridis - Data Scientist at KLDiscovery

Ioannis Petridis

Data Scientist at KLDiscovery

Ioannis Petridis is Data Scientist with 9+ years of experience, currently working in KLDiscovery. He has a deep passion in apply lean Data Science and Machine Learning solutions to solve business problems and deliver impactful and innovative products.

Data Science Course Syllabus

Best-in-class content by leading faculty and industry leaders in the form of live sessions, pre-recorded videos, projects, case studies, industry webinars, and assignments.

best data science courses online

Detailed Syllabus of Data Science Course

  • 300+ Hours of Content - data science program institute
  • {{$this_course->content_hours}}+

    Hours of Content

  • 80+ Live Sessions - data science online training
  • 80+

    Live Sessions

  • 15 Tools and Software - best tools for data science
  • 15

    Tools and Software

Comprehensive Curriculum

The curriculum has been designed by faculty from IITs, @if($cuinfo->countryCode == "IN") @endif and Expert Industry Professionals.

300+ Hours of Content - data science program institute

Hours of Content

80+ Live Sessions - data science online training

Live Sessions

15 Tools and Software - best tools for data science

Tools and Software

Set the Basics Right

DataTrained's orientation prepares students to use the platform by introducing the Learning Management System, accessing course material, attending live classes and assessments, connecting with mentors and receiving career coach support. A preparatory session covers curriculum explanation and software installation guidance. The Data Science Foundation course covers Excel fundamentals (calculations, data sets, manipulation) and statistical concepts (mean, median, mode, standard deviation and skewness) with real-world scenarios applied for data analysis using graphs/charts. The Programming Foundation course introduces data science and builds programming skills including code solutions, algorithms and flowcharts/pseudocode for further exploration of data science/coding.

The orientation session at DataTrained is tailored to equip students with the necessary information and understanding to effectively utilize our platform for the best possible outcome. During this session, students are provided with a thorough introduction to our modern Learning Management System, called the DataTrained Academy. Students gain an understanding of how they can easily access course material, engage in live classes, complete assessments, and connect with mentors for any questions or queries. Moreover, students learn about the career coach support who is available to them throughout their course journey to provide guidance and support.

In order to ensure that students have a comprehensive understanding of the course and its expectations, a preparatory session is held prior to the commencement of the program. This session is designed to give students an in-depth explanation of the entire curriculum, as well as guidance on how to install any necessary software needed to begin their journey with the course. This preparatory session helps to alleviate any uncertainties or apprehensions that students may have about their upcoming program, and ensures that they are fully prepared for the challenges ahead.

The "Data Science Foundation" course is the next offering in the program, allowing students to gain insight into data science and the responsibilities of a data scientist or analyst. It begins with a thorough overview of Excel fundamentals, such as basic calculations, working with data sets, cleaning and manipulating it for further use. Additionally, learners will be introduced to important statistical concepts like mean, median, mode, standard deviation and skewness. They will also be coached on how to apply these to real-world scenarios in Excel and analyze data accurately. Through the use of graphs and charts, students can then make informed decisions based on their observations from the data analysis.

Upon being given a basic introduction to the expansive field of data science, students build upon their programming skills through the "Programming Foundation for Data Science" course. Its primary purpose is to ensure that students have a thorough understanding of programming fundamentals and how to create a code-based solution for any problem or challenge they may face. Throughout this course, students acquire the ability to craft algorithms by way of flowcharts and pseudocode, which are essential components in any programming journey. This course provides an excellent foundation for those looking to explore the world of data science and coding practices in greater detail.


The Foundations bundle comprises 2 courses where you will learn to tackle Statistics and Coding head-on. These 2 courses create a strong base for us to go through the rest of the tour with ease.

This course will introduce you to the world of Python programming language that is widely used in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. We will start with basic ideas before going on to the language's important vocabulary as search phrases, syntax, or sentence building. This course will take you from the basic principles of AI and ML to the crucial ideas with Python, among the most widely used and effective programming languages in the present market. In simple terms, Python is like the English language.

Python Basics

Python is a popular high-level programming language with a simple, easy-to-understand syntax that focuses on readability. This module will guide you through the whole foundations of Python programming, culminating in the execution of your 1st Python program.

Anaconda Installation - Jupyter notebook operation

Using Jupyter Notebook, you will learn how to use Python for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. We can create and share documents with narrative prose, visualizations, mathematics, and live code using this open-source online tool.

Python functions, packages and other modules

For code reusability and software modularity, functions & packages are used. In this module, you will learn how you can comprehend and use Python functions and packages for AI.

NumPy, Pandas, Visualization tools

In this module, you will learn how to use Pandas, Matplotlib, NumPy, and Seaborn to explore data sets. These are the most frequently used Python libraries. You'll also find out how to present tons of your data in simple graphs with Python libraries as Seaborn and Matplotlib.

Working with various data structures in Python, Pandas, Numpy

Understanding Data Structures is among the core components in Data Science. Additionally, data structure assists AI and ML in voice & image processing. In this module, you will learn about data structures such as Data Frames, Tuples, Lists, and arrays, & precisely how to implement them in Python.

In this module, you will learn about the words and ideas that are important to Exploratory Data Analysis and Machine Learning. You will study a specific set of tools required to assess and extract meaningful insights from data, from a simple average to the advanced process of finding statistical evidence to support or even reject wild guesses & hypotheses.

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics is the study of data analysis that involves describing and summarising different data sets. It can be any sample of a world's production or the salaries of employees. This module will teach you how to use Python to learn Descriptive Statistics for Machine Learning.

Inferential Statistics

In this module, you will use Python to study the core ideas of using data for estimating and evaluating hypotheses. You will also learn how you can get the insight of a large population or employees of any company which can't be achieved manually.

Probability & Conditional Probability

Probability is a quantitative tool for examining unpredictability, as the possibility of an event occurring in a random occurrence. The probability of an event occurring because of the occurrence of several other occurrences is recognized as conditional probability. You will learn Probability and Conditional Probability in Python for Machine Learning in this module.

Hypothesis Testing

With this module, you will learn how to use Python for Hypothesis Testing in Machine Learning. In Applied Statistics, hypothesis testing is among the crucial steps for conducting experiments based on the observed data.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a part of artificial intelligence that allows software programs to boost their prediction accuracy without simply being expressly designed to do so. You will learn all the Machine Learning methods from fundamental to advanced, and the most frequently used Classical ML algorithms that fall into all of the categories.

With this module, you will learn supervised machine learning algorithms, the way they operate, and what applications they can be used for - Classification and Regression.

Linear Regression - Simple, Multiple regression

Linear Regression is one of the most popular Machine Learning algorithms for predictive studies, leading to the very best benefits. It is an algorithm that assumes the dependent and independent variables have a linear connection.

Logistic regression

Logistic Regression is one of the most popular machine learning algorithms. It is a fundamental classification technique that uses independent variables to predict binary data like 0 or 1, positive or negative , true or false, etc. In this module, you will learn all of the Logistic Regression concepts that are used in Machine Learning.

K-NN classification

k-Nearest Neighbours (Knn) is another widely used Classification algorithm, it is a basic machine learning algorithm for addressing regression and classification problems. With this module, you will learn how to use this algorithm. You will also understand the reason why it is known as the Lazy algorithm. Interesting Right?

Support vector machines

Support Vector Machine (SVM) is another important machine learning technique for regression and classification problems. In this module, you will learn how to apply the algorithm into practice and understand several ways of classifying the data.

We explore beyond the limits of supervised standalone models in this Machine Learning online course and then discover a number of ways to address them, for example Ensemble approaches.

Decision Trees

The Decision Tree algorithm is an important part of the supervised learning algorithms family. The decision tree approach can be used to resolve regression and classification problems unlike others. By learning simple decision rules inferred from previous data, the goal of using a Decision Tree is constructing a training type that will be used to predict the class or value of the target varying.

Random Forests

Random Forest is a common supervised learning technique. It consists of multiple decision trees on the different subsets of the initial dataset. The average is then calculated to enhance the dataset's prediction accuracy.

Bagging and Boosting

When the aim is to decrease the variance of a decision tree classifier, bagging is implemented. The average of all predictions from several trees is used, that is a lot more dependable than a single decision tree classifier.

Boosting is a technique for generating a set of predictions. Learners are taught gradually in this technique, with early learners fitting basic models to the data and consequently analyzing the data for errors.

In this module, you will study what Unsupervised Learning algorithms are, how they operate, and what applications they can be used for - Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction, and so on.

K-means clustering

In Machine Learning or even Data Science, K-means clustering is a common unsupervised learning method for managing clustering problems. In this module, you will learn how the algorithm works and how you can use it.

Hierarchical clustering

Hierarchical Clustering is a machine learning algorithm for creating a bunch hierarchy or tree-like structure. It is used to group a set of unlabeled datasets into a bunch in a hierarchical framework. This module will help you to use this technique.

Principal Component Analysis

PCA is a Dimensional Reduction technique for reducing a model's complexity, like reducing the number of input variables in a predictive model to avoid overfitting. Dimension Reduction PCA is also a well-known ML approach in Python, and this module will cover all that you need to know about this.


Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) is used to identify arbitrary-shaped clusters and clusters with sound. You will learn how this algorithm will help us to identify odd ones out from the group.

Advanced Techniques

EDA - Part1

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is a procedure of analyzing the data using different tools and techniques. You will learn data standardization and represent the data through different graphs to assess and make decisions for several business use cases. You will also learn all the essential encoding techniques.

EDA - Part2

You will also get a opportunity to use null values, dealing with various data and outliers preprocessing techniques to create a machine learning model.

Feature Engineering

Feature Engineering is the process of extracting features from an organization's raw data by using domain expertise. A feature is a property shared by independent units that can be used for prediction or analysis. With this module, you will learn how this works.

Feature Selection

Feature selection is also called attribute selection, variable selection, or variable subset selection. It is the process of selecting a subset of relevant features for use in model development. You can learn many techniques to do the feature selection.

Model building techniques

Here you will learn different model-building techniques using different tools

Model Tuning techniques

In this module, you can learn how to enhance model performance using advanced techniques as GridSearch CV, Randomized Search CV, cross-validation strategies, etc.

Building Pipeline

What is Modeling Pipeline and how does it work? Well, it is a set of data preparation steps, modeling functions, and prediction transform routines organized in a logical order. It allows you to specify, evaluate, and use a series of measures as an atomic unit.

Time Series Analysis


A time series is a set of data points that appear in a specific order over a specific time. A time series in investing records the movement of selected data points, like the cost of security, with a set period of time, with data points collected at regular intervals.

Time Series Components

In this module, you will learn about different components that are necessary to analyze and forecast future outcomes.


You will learn what is stationarity and the importance of learning stationarity.

Time Series Models

In this module, you will learn common Time series models as AR, MA, ARIMA, etc.

Model Evaluation

When you build models, you will use different evaluation methods to gauge the product performance or even accuracy. Yes, In this module, you will learn model evaluation methods.

Use Case and Assignment

You will also get a chance to work on assignments and feel at ease while working on the use case scenarios.


Also, we are providing a few more extra projects for practice, you can assemble and compare your solutions with the ones we provide.

Recommendation Engine


In the introduction module, you will learn why recommendation systems are used, their requirement, and their applications.

Understanding the relationship

In this module, you will learn on what basis recommendation engine works and their association rules.

Types of Data in RS

In this module, you will learn all the types of data used in the Recommendation Engine.

Ratings in RS

In this module, you will learn just how the ratings are drawn in the Recommendation Engine.

Similarity and Its Measures

Recommendation systems work on the basis of similarity between the product and the consumers who view it. There are many ways for determining how similar 2 products are. This similarity matrix is used by recommendation systems to recommend the next most comparable product to the customer.

Types of Recommendation Engine

In this module, you will learn different types of Recommendation Engines.

Evaluation Metrics in Recommendation

Once you build the models, you require metrics to evaluate how effective is your model. You will learn various evaluation tools in RE.

Use cases

You will also get an opportunity to focus on additional use cases. Later, you can compare your solution with the SME-provided solution.

ChatGpt Essentials

ChatGpt is a revolutionary AI chatbot technology that provides users with powerful tools for content generation, prompt ideas, and other features. This module will help you understand the various capabilities of this advanced technology, including its strengths and limitations.

GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) is a state-of-the-art language model developed by OpenAI. Learn about GPT-3 and its capabilities like Natural Language Understanding abd Promt Engineering.

Prompt engineering is the practice of designing and crafting effective prompts or input instructions for language models like GPT-3 to guide their generation of desired outputs. Learn to leverage the power of prompt engineering to be 10x productive like never before.

Explainable AI and model interpretability are becoming increasingly important as AI models are being used in various critical domains, such as healthcare, finance, and legal systems, where accountability, fairness, and transparency are crucial. Learn to build machine learning models using LIME & ShARP.

Dive into the GPT model and their architecture. Develop understanding about concepts like Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), one-shot learning, and few shot learning.

Learn to build an AI Evaluator that automatically evaluate exam submissions by the students by leveraging the GPT and eliminating the need for training NLP models from the scratch.

Understand and learn to build a GNN model.

In depth understanding of advanced GNN.

Generative models can be used in a wide range of applications, including image generation, text generation, speech synthesis, music composition, and more. Build underderstandinng of text-to-image models and image-to-text models.


Strong hand-holding with dedicated support to help you master some of the complex processes of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.

Deep Learning with Computer Vision

  • Deep Learning
  • Computer Vision

Deep Learning with NLP

  • Deep Learning
  • Deep NLP

Business Analytics with R

  • Business Analytics with "R" programming and R shiny
  • Business Analytics with Advanced Excel

Business Analytics with Tableau

  • Business Analytics with Tableau
  • Business Analytics with Advanced Excel

Business Analytics with Power BI

  • Business Analytics with Power BI
  • Business Analytics with Advanced Excel