@php //$course = DB::table("courses")->where("url", $page->) $this_course = DB::table("courses")->where("id", $page->course_id)->first(); $course_name = "Data Science Training with Placement Guarantee"; $course_name_2 = 'PG Program in Data Science, Machine Learning & Neural Networks in collaboration with'; $overview = "

Best online data science program in India and across the globe. Get trained with highly in-demand tools, techniques & technologies for Data Science.

"; $course_article = null; $why_heading = "Why DataTrained for Data Science Program in India?"; $why_content = "

The best most exclusive Data Science program in India is the Post Graduate Program in Data Science, Machine Learning, and Neural Networks. The program is developed with Data scientists from IBM and industry experts working in the data science domain for decades and according to the international industry standards. The course duration is 11 months including a well-balanced curve of practical and theoretical learning’s covering everything from the basics to the advanced levels of Data Science program in India and across the globe.

Enroll now to benefit from the best Data Science program online

"; $career = "

DataTrained in collaboration with presents the best online Data Science Program in India. Over 5000 Careers Transformed.

"; $end_content = null; @endphp @include ("webviews.course_templates.data-science-course")